Tied to chair a girl is trying to break lose She is screaming not for someone to come and untie her but because she is struggling to break the ropes around her aching body … she knows she is not getting any help from anywhere else she does’nt know whats
going to happen if she is able to escape.she doesn’t know if she will escape to a better place or End up falling into a deeper pit..but what she knows is that IT IS SUFFOCATING IN HERE….AND SHE DOESN’T LIKE THE FEELING OF BEING HELD BACK

Note To Self

Its just a matter of days
Then you will be back in form again
The moment you were broken
Your healing ♥ process started
So remember it is just a matter of days
Then you will be back in form again
If you were broken
Give yourself time to heal
it doesn’t mean you are quitting
Because Remember it is just a matter of days
then you will be back in form again
When you feel lost
Search and recover yourself,
start fresh, and
Again Remember it is just a matter of days
then you will be back in form again
Everytime in life when you feel like quitting
hold on to the string of hope
never let go
Because My Dear it is just a matter of time
then you will be back in form again

I am scared

I am scared i will give up
I am scared i will stop
I am scared i will break my own soul my own will. I need to prove to myself that i am better than what i was. Maybe i am trying too hard maybe i am pushing my limit too much There is doubt….doubt that i am scared to answer. Doubt that is killing me yet motivating me.I cannot see my goal as clearly as one should this is why i am pushing myself step by step trying to reach it.but sometimes it scares me,this doubt that maybe there is nothing out there maybe The place i am heading to is not where i am meant to be

Give Me a reason

Give me a reason why you keep TELLING me i am unlady like give me a reason why you keep TELLING me how i should stop having fun because i am a grown up girl….Give me a reason why you keep TELLING me how to be an ideal person and please for god sake give me a reason why you hate me for TELLING you to shut up